Ch. 75 Sentence 1
Beck People are hungry, because rulers eat too much tax-grain. That is why people are starving.
Blackney The people starve because of those Above them, who consume by tax In grain and kind more than their right. For this, the people are in want.
Bynner People starve If taxes eat their grain,
Byrn When people go hungry, the government's taxes are too high.
Chan The people starve because the ruler eats too much tax-grain. Therefore they starve.
Cleary When people are starving, it is because their governments take too much, causing hem to starve.
Crowley The people suffer hunger because of the weight of taxation imposed by their rulers. This is the cause of famine.
Hansen Starvation among the people comes from how much taxes-in-kind those above them 'eat'. From this: they starve.
LaFargue 'The people are starving.' It is because those high up eat too much tax grain, this is why they are starving.
Legge The people suffer from famine because of the multitude of taxes consumed by their superiors. It is through this that they suffer famine.
Lindauer The hunger of people It happens that those above feed by taxing abundantly Appropriately hunger happens.
LinYutan When people are hungry, It is because their rulers eat too much tax-grain.
Mabry The people are starving because their leaders eat up all their money in taxes. And so, they are hungry.
McDonald People are hungry because rulers eat too much income, too much tax-grain. Therefore they starve, but also because of bad interference from those above.
Merel When rulers take grain so that they may feast, Their people become hungry;
Mitchell When taxes are too high, people go hungry.
Muller The reason people starve Is because their rulers tax them excessively.
Red Pine The reason the people are hungry is because those above levy so many taxes thus the people are hungry
Ta-Kao The people starve. Because their officials take heavy taxes from them, therefore they starve.
Walker What makes people go hungry? Rulers eating up all their money in taxes.
Wieger If the people are hungry, it is because the prince eats up excessive sums of money (which he extorts from them).
World When the people of a nation are starving and without the basic necessities, it is because taxes are excessive.
Wu Why are the people starving? Because those above them are taxing them too heavily. That is why they are starving.

Ch. 75 Sentence 2
Beck People are hard to govern, because rulers interfere too much. That is why they are hard to govern.
Blackney The people are so hard to rule Because of those who are above them, Whose interference makes distress. For this, they are so hard to rule.
Bynner And the faults of starving people Are the fault of their rulers. That is why people rebel.
Byrn When people become rebellious, the government has become too intrusive.
Chan They are difficult to rule because their ruler does too many things. Therefore they are difficult to rule.
Cleary When people are hard to control, it is because of the contrivances of their governments, which make them hard to control.
Crowley The people are difficult to govern because their rulers meddle with them. This is the cause of bad government.
Hansen The difficulty in governing people comes from those above them taking deeming-action. From this: they are difficult to govern.
LaFargue 'The people are hard to govern.' It is because there is Working among those high up, this is why they are hard to govern.
Legge The people are difficult to govern because of the (excessive) agency of their superiors (in governing them). It is through this that they are difficult to govern.
Lindauer The difficulty in governing people It happens that those above possess action Appropriately the difficulty in governing happens.
LinYutan Therefore the unruliness of hungry people Is due to the interference of their rulers. That is why they are unruly.
Mabry The people are rebellious because their leaders are intrusive. And so, they protest.
McDonald Some turn hard to rule as their rulers do too many things. That's why they're hard to keep in order.
Merel When rulers take action to serve their own interests, Their people become rebellious;
Mitchell When the government is too intrusive, people lose their spirit.
Muller They are difficult to govern Because their rulers have their own ends in mind.
Red Pine the reason the people are hard to rule is because those above are so forceful thus the people are hard to rule
Ta-Kao The people are hard to rule. Because their officials meddle with affairs, therefore they are hard to rule.
Walker What makes people rebellious? Rulers who can't stop interfering.
Wieger If the people are restive, it is because the prince does too much, (indisposes them by his innovations).
World When the people of a nation are rebellious, it is because the laws are out of harmony with the population.
Wu Why are the people hard to manage? Because those above them are fussy and have private ends to serve. That is why they are hard to manage.

Ch. 75 Sentence 3
Beck People do not care about death, because rulers demand too much of life. That is why they do not care about death. Only those who do not interfere with living are best at valuing life.
Blackney The people do not fear to die; They too demand to live secure: For this, they do not fear to die. So they, without the means to live, In virtue rise above those men Who value life above its worth.
Bynner Men who have to fight for their living And are not afraid to die for it Are higher men than those who, stationed high, Are too fat to dare to die.
Byrn When people begin to view death lightly, wealthy people have too much which causes others to starve. Only those who do not cling to their life can save it.
Chan The people take death lightly because their ruler strives for life too vigorously. Therefore they take death lightly. It is only those who do not seek after life that excel in making life valuable.
Cleary When people slight death, it is because of the earnestness with which they seek life; that makes them slight death. Only those who do not contrive to live are wise in valuing life.
Crowley The people welcome death because the toil of living is intolerable. This is why they esteem death lightly. In such a state of insecurity it is better to ignore the question of living that to set store by it.
Hansen People take death lightly because those above them seek life's richness. From this they take death lightly. In general: only those who don't deem-act using 'life' - these are worthies at valuing life.
LaFargue 'The people take death lightly.' It is because they pursue a lavish life, this is why they take death lightly. Simply: Those who do not Work at 'living' - these are better men than those who 'love life.'
Legge The people make light of dying because of the greatness of their labours in seeking for the means of living. It is this which makes them think light of dying. Thus it is that to leave the subject of living altogether out of view is better than to set a high value on it.
Lindauer The lightness of people at death It happens that those above reach for the thickness of life Appropriately lightness at death happens. In the end only those who are absent of acting to live Are appropriately wise in relating to treasuring life.
LinYutan The people are not afraid of death, Because they are anxious to make a living. That is why they are not afraid of death. It is those who interfere not with their living That are wise in exalting life.
Mabry The people make light of death because their leaders live so well at their expense. And so, they expect death. Therefore, it seems that one who does not grasp this life too tightly is better off than one who clings.
McDonald If so, the people are not very afraid of death, as they're anxious to make a living. That's why they take death lightly in such cases. So: Those who interfere not with their living that are wise in exalting life. Maybe he who seeks only little after life can excel in making life valuable. But all that have hearts set only little on life could be superior to those who set store by life.
Merel When rulers take lives so that their own lives are maintained, Their people no longer fear death. When people act without regard for their own lives They overcome those who value only their own lives.
Mitchell Act for the people's benefit. Trust them; leave them alone.
Muller The reason people take death lightly Is because they want life to be rich. Therefore they take death lightly. It is only by not living for your own ends That you can go beyond valuing life.
Red Pine the reason people think little of death is because those above think so much of life thus the people think little of death meanwhile those who do nothing to live are more esteemed than those who love life
Ta-Kao The people pay no heed to death. Because they endeavour to seek life; therefore they pay no heed to death.
Walker What makes people take death so lightly? People taking life too seriously. Those who enjoy life are wiser than those who employ life.
Wieger If the people expose themselves lightly to death (in hazardous enterprises), it is because he loves life too much, (love of well-being, of pleasure, of fame). He who does nothing in order to live, is wiser than he who harms himself in order to live.
World When the leaders of a nation are oppressive in their confusion, the people remember their oneness and become indifferent to death. Those who remember the oneness of Infinity are indifferent to life and death and consequently live in peaceand harmony.
Wu Why do people make light of death? Because those above them make too much of life. That is why they make light of death. The people have simply nothing to live upon! They know better than to value such a life!