Ch. 68 Sentence 1
Beck The best soldier is not violent. The best fighter is not angry.
Blackney A skilful soldier is not violent; An able fighter does not rage;
Bynner The best captain does not plunge headlong Nor is the best soldier a fellow hot to fight.
Byrn The best warriors do not use violence. The best generals do not destroy indiscriminately.
Chan A skilful leader of troops is not oppressive with his military strength. A skilful fighter does not become angry.
Cleary Good warriors do not arm, good fighters don't get mad,
Crowley He that is skilled in war makes no fierce gestures; the most efficient fighter bewares of anger.
Hansen Those who are good champions don't battle. Those who are good at war don't get angry.
LaFargue The best soldier is not warlike the best fighter shows no anger
Legge He who in (Tao's) wars has skill Assumes no martial port; He who fights with most good will/ To rage makes no resort.
Lindauer Those who value acting as sergeants lack ferocity Those who value war lack anger
LinYutan The brave soldier is not violent; The good fighter does not lose his temper;
Mabry The best soldier is not violent. The best fighter is not driven by anger.
McDonald A skilful leader of troops is never oppressive with his military strength. The brave soldier is hardly very violent; The best fighter doesn't become visibly angry; he hardly loses his temper.
Merel Compassion is the finest weapon and best defence. If you would establish harmony, Compassion must surround you like a fortress.
Mitchell The best athlete wants his opponent at his best. The best general enters the mind of his enemy.
Muller The best warrior is never aggressive. The best fighter is never angry.
Red Pine In ancient times the perfect officer wasn't armed the perfect warrior wasn't angry
Ta-Kao The best soldier is not soldierly; The best fighter is not ferocious;
Walker A good general doesn't show off his power. a good warrior doen't get angry.
Wieger He who commands should not think that tactics, valour, and effort give victory.
World A warrior in harmony is not contemptuous of life. A prize fighter in harmony is not angry.
Wu A good soldier is never aggressive; A good fighter is never angry.

Ch. 68 Sentence 2
Beck The best winner is not contentious. The best employer is humble.
Blackney A mighty conqueror does not give battle; A great commander is a humble man.
Bynner The greatest victor wins without a battle: He who overcomes men understands them.
Byrn The best tacticians try to avoid confrontation. The best leaders becomes servants of their people.
Chan A skilful conqueror does not compete with people. One who is skilful in using men puts himself below them.
Cleary good winners don't contend, good employers serve their workers.
Crowley He who conquers refrains from engaging in battle; he whom men most willingly obey continues silently with his work.
Hansen Those who are good at defeating the enemy don't engage them. Those who are good at using people deem it as a something beneath them.
LaFargue the one best at defeating the enemy does not engage him the one best at managing people puts himself below them.
Legge He who vanquishes yet still Keeps from his foes apart; He whose hests men most fulfil Yet humbly plies his art.
Lindauer Those who value conquering lack engagement Those who value using men are acting low.
LinYutan The great conqueror does not fight (on small issues); The good user of men places himself below others.
Mabry The true conqueror wins without confrontation. The best employer is humble before his employees.
McDonald A skilful conqueror doesn't compete with people. The great conqueror doesn't fight for small issues alone. The best user of men acts as though he were their inferior and puts himself below them by the virtue of not-competing.
Merel Therefore, A good soldier does not inspire fear; A good fighter does not display aggression; A good conqueror does not engage in battle; A good leader does not exercise authority.
Mitchell The best businessman serves the communal good. The best leader follows the will of the people.
Muller The best tactician does not engage the enemy. The best utilizer of people's talents places himself below them.
Red Pine the perfect victor wasn't hostile the perfect commander acted humble
Ta-Kao The best conqueror does not take part in war; The best employer of men keeps himself below them.
Walker A good conqueror doesn't attack people. A good employer puts himself below his employees.
Wieger It is by putting oneself at the service of men that one subdues them. That is the correct procedure.
World A winner in harmony understands the oneness of winning and losing. An employer in harmony is at one with his employees.
Wu The best way of conquering an enemy Is to win him over by not antagonizing him. The best way of employing a man Is to serve under him.

Ch. 68 Sentence 3
Beck This is known as the power of not striving, as ability in human relations, and as being in accord with heaven.
Blackney You may call this pacific virtue; Or say that it is mastery of men; Or that it is rising to the measure of God, Or to the stature of the ancients.
Bynner There is a quality of quietness Which quickens people by no stress: 'Fellowship with heaven,' as of old, Is fellowship with man and keeps its hold.
Byrn This is called the virtue of non-competition. This is called the power to manage others. This is called attaining harmony with the heavens.
Chan This is called the virtue of non-competing. This is called the strength to use men. This is called matching Heaven, the highest principle of old.
Cleary This is called the virtue of noncontention; this is called mating with the supremely natural and pristine.
Crowley So it is said: he rules who unites with his subjects; he shines whose will is that of Heaven.
Hansen This is called virtuosity at not contending. This is called the power of using people. This is called on a par with nature - the apex of antiquity.
LaFargue This is the Te of not contending this is the power to manage people. This is being the Counterpart of Heaven equalling the very best of the ancients.
Legge Thus we say, 'He ne'er contends, And therein is his might.' Thus we say, 'Men's wills he bends, That they with him unite.' Thus we say, 'Like Heaven's his ends, No sage of old more bright.'
Lindauer Appropriately called ideal of lacking being contending Appropriately called strength to be using men Appropriately called distributing the ancient limit of the heavens.
LinYutan - This is the virtue of not-contending, Is called the capacity to use men, Is reaching to the height of being Mated to Heaven, to what was of old.
Mabry I say there is much good in not competing. I call it using the power of the people. This is known as being in tune with Heaven, Like the Sages of old.
McDonald This is called the ability or capacity to use men, or matching heaven, or being suited to the highest found principle, [maybe of old]
Merel This is the value of unimportance; This is how to win the cooperation of others; This to how to build the same harmony that is in nature.
Mitchell All of the embody the virtue of non-competition. Not that they don't love to compete, but they do it in the spirit of play. In this they are like children and in harmony with the Tao.
Muller This is called the virtue of non-contention. It is called the ability to engage people's talents. It is called the ultimate in merging with Heaven.
Red Pine this is the virtue of nonaggression this is using the strength of others this is uniting with Heaven which was the ancient end
Ta-Kao This is called the virtue of not contending; This is called the ability of using men; This is called the supremacy of consorting with heaven.
Walker This is called the power of noncontention. This is called using the strength of others. This is called perfect emulation of heaven.
Wieger It is sometimes formulated as follows: art of not struggling (of accommodating oneself, of winning be making oneself everything to everyone); of ability to manage men; of action conforming to that of heaven. All these formulae designate the same thing. They show the greatness of the ancients.
World This is called non-distinction and indifference. It is known as being at peace and in harmony with others. It is the manifestation of the ultimate peace and harmony of Infinity.
Wu This is called the virtue of non-striving! This is called using the abilities of men! This is called being wedded to Heaven as of old!