Homage to Tara
For Wayists, Tara is the spiritual name of the bodhisattva who once lived and worked with Iesous on earth, Mari of Magadha. Unlike any other Wayist who knew the Lord but for a few months before He moved on to teach elsewhere, Mari spent more than a decade, day and night with Him. No person received more teaching directly from the Lord than Tara.
Tara manifests teaching in different forms. Wayist recognise the original three forms whie some Buddhists recognize additional forms.
Green Tārā, (Syamatara) is known as the manifestation of Avalokiteshvara's enlightened activity
White Tārā, (Sitatara) is known as a manifestation of Avalokiteshvara's compassion, granting of health, healing and serenity; also known as The Wish-fulfilling Wheel, or Cintachakra
Red Tārā, (Kurukulla) is a manifestation of Avalkiteshvara's fierce aspect associated with driving away evil spirits and intentions, and making good things gravitate toward the supplicant.
Tara sadhana is a favourite device used by Wayist tantra teachers. She is also associated with tantra teachings in other disciplines but most likely in rather different manner as Wayist tantra is not the same as what one finds in popular schools nowadays.
Tara is the original feminist, when she lived as Mari and when she became a bodhisattva liberation and empowerment of women was/is her main concern. She is animated and empowered by the Lord to fulfill her tasks. She is particulrly clued in on women's matters, the plight of women and what is needed to bring about egalatarianism in religions and in society. However, as is evident in her appearance and personality, Tara likes being a women. She likes her sexuality, her sensuality, and her female powers. She refused to be a male bodhisattva, she begged the Lord to be a female, feminine bodhisattva, because she loves all things about being a woman.
A Wayist Teacher once wrote that if Tara were lesbian, she would not try to look like a man, she loves women and being a woman.
Green Tara
Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Svāhā / Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha
A playful alternate pronunciation has become popular during the past two centuries