Karman meditation Instructor Workshop
Get Certified as a Karman Meditation Coach and Instructor
IAWO keeps track of qualified Active Meditation professionals through the School of Pneumatherapy database of practitioners.
Minimum of 60 hours training with a certified coaching trainer is required. We have "bootcamp-style" workshops that accomplish this over ten days. For experienced Karman Meditation practitioners, we run weekend bootcamps in the USA, Cambodia and Germany.
International Karman Meditation Certification Association
Worldwide, Karman Meditation instructors are certified by the one and only official certification body, International Karman Meditation Certification Association.
We take certification seriously because Karman Meditation has so many benefits, only a well-trained instructor can help members achieve complete results.
Anyone can learn to do Karman Meditation without the help of an instructor, and get a lot of benefit from it. However, to get 100% of all the benefits, a certified instructor can help to spot the little things you can do to improve and maintain a higher quality of life.
Additionally, when it comes to specialty healing and help with mental, soul and universal energy matters, a certified instructor will be able to help.
Online Training
Theoretical training courses are available in English language. Translations are underway to prepare material in German, Russian, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
- Introduction to Meditation
- Introduction to Spirituality
- History of Karman Meditation
- Karman Meditation theory
- Karman Meditation spirituality, meaning behind
movements and their assigned spiritual meaning - Universal Energy
- Chakras and Kundalini
- Anatomy
- Meridians and pressure points
- Endocrine system
- Introduction to Kinesiology
- Fitness
- Suppleness and the concept of WuWei
- Yang Style and its results and benefits
- Yin Style and its results and benefits
- Flowing Style and its results and benefits
- Meditation music
- Ethics
- Presenting
- Working with toddlers
- Working with the elderly
- Marketing and managing
- Special case healing regimes
Instructor Certification
Candidates provide the certification authority with four videos illustrating candidate’s mastery of the movements for evaluation:
- Yin style
- Yang style
- Flowing style
- Presenting a class
When the theory and video evaluations are successfully completed, candidates are presented for Certification to instruct Karman Meditation.
Instructors are the first to receive regular updates of new meditation music.
Continued education is important, therefore instructors receive regular updates on health and healing benefits, special case treatments and special workouts that can help people in need.
We urge members to run checks to make sure that someone who claims to be an instructor is in fact a professional in good standing with the Association.
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Instructor Trainer Certification
To train Karman Meditation Instructors, and present them for certification by the international association, one needs to attend the 10-day course in Siem Reap, Cambodia to be certified as an Meditation Instructor Trainer.
Meditation Instructor Trainers are qualified to instruct all styles of Karman Meditation PLUS three styles of zazen (sitting) meditation.
The Cambodian campus of School of Pneumatherapy presents Karman Meditation Instructor training courses over 10 days. The center is an active spiritual energy healing center, which sees clients on a daily basis.
Instructor Trainers are licensed to train trainers and present candidates for Certification by the International Association.
Training is presented over 10 full days in the exotic and tropical Siem Reap, Cambodia — home of Angkor Wat’s ancient temples.
Visit the website of our College of Pneumatherapy for more information.